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Wealth advisor as jet liner pilot - Webinar replay - Sunday, August 9th, 6PM EST


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What do wealth advisors and jet liner pilots have in common?

99.9% of the time, pilots fly their planes on auto-pilot, sitting in the cockpit and monitoring the instruments while the passengers watch videos or sleep. Every once in a while, a pilot has to make a difficult landing during a heavy thunderstorm. Visibility drops to zero, thunder and lightening crash, the plane rolls, yaws and drops 200' in a heartbeat. The last 20 minutes is highly unpleasant for the passengers, but the pilot and crew have the training, experience and technology to punch through the bad weather, get the plane safely to the ground, and send the passengers on their way home.

99.9% of the time wealth advisors don't have to do much more than monitor their clients portfolios and occasionally update financial plans while clients enjoy their lives. Every so often, world events disrupt the predictable nature of daily life and prompt much anxiety. "What about my company?" "What about my job?" "Can I still take care of my family?"

On those occasions, the family's wealth advisor uses his or her skills, experience and perspective to guide clients through the turbulence and make sure they arrive at their intended destination.

The last 6 months have been pretty tough times for most Americans - pandemic, protests, unemployment and economic recession. Unfortunately, we project that the next three months - August, September and October - will be even worse.

On Sunday, August 9th at 6 PM EST, David Edwards, President of Heron Wealth, will spend 15 minutes updating viewers on what he sees from his flight-deck. Edwards will also describe what Heron Wealth is doing for clients in this difficult time.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions via the chat function.