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With unemployment at 15% what next for stocks? Webinar Replay: Remarks 20 minutes, Q&A 8 minutes

David Edwards discussed the disconnect between recent economic performance and stock market performance. Here is the replay of the webinar.

On Friday, as expected, the US jobs reports released horrific numbers

  • 20.5 million jobs lost in April on top of 701K jobs lost in March, versus 22.4 million gained since 2009

  • by comparison, 8.7 million jobs were lost over 18 months during the "Great Recession" of 2008-9

  • The previous record loss was 2 million, set in 1945 the month after the US demobilized from WW II

  • The unemployment rate jumped from the recent low of 3.5% in February, to 4.4% in March, to 14.7% in April

  • Previous post war record was 10.8% in 1984, 10.1% in 2009

  • "True" unemployment rate is actually closer to 20%

  • May unemployment could read as high as 25%

Despite what is undeniably bad news for average Americans, US stocks have well recovered from the March 23rd low, up 30.9% in 5 weeks, which is about 4 years of return under normal circumstances. The S&P 500 is still down 9.3% from the start of the year, but the Nasdaq is actually UP 1.7% on the year - how can that make any sense?

David Edwards of Heron Wealth spoke for 20 minutes on:

  1. Progression of the Coronavirus Pandemic

  2. Prospects for stocks over the next 6 months

  3. Some good news: how client families are making the best of a bad situation

and spent 8 minutes answering questions from the audience.

If you would like to learn more about how we advise our clients, visit or schedule a call with me.

Best regards,
David Edwards, President
Heron Wealth
Direct: 347 580-5288
Mobile: 917 705-3893

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