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Posts tagged US Stock Market
US Stocks Score 35 Record Highs So Far in 2014 (what WAS that unpleasantness two weeks back?)

As US stocks hit a 6 month low two weeks ago on October 15th, we wrote, "The CNN Fear and Greed Index hits "Extreme Fear" (but we're not selling...)". In hindsight that was a good call because US stocks, as represented by the S&P 500, rallied significantly over the next two weeks and closed at the 35th record high of the year on October 31st. 

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"Fear Factor" still high among US investors, but S & P 500 approaching highs for the year

We have the pleasure of spending quite a bit of time among the "1 percenters" - American families whose annual income exceeds $500K. Our favorite cocktail party question this summer is: "Given everything you've heard recently, do you think the stock market is up or down this year?" 

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