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Posts in Working with Heron Wealth
Warren Buffett: The Best Investment Strategy Is Boring

If you sell a stock less than a year from the time you bought it, your gains are subject to an income tax rate of as much as 35%. If you hold for more than a year, your earnings are reclassified as capital gains and are thereby subject to a lower tax rate — 20% for top a paltry $16 billion. A quarter-century later, the lethargic, sloth-like investor’s net worth exceeds $100 billion.

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It’s Not The Money You Make; It’s The Money You Avoid Losing

With investing, if you avoid significant losses, the gains will take care of themselves. An investment that gains 100% in the first year and loses 50% in the second year leaves you back where you started. An investment that gains 7% in the first year and 7% in the second year leaves you ahead by 15%.

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What 'Moneyball' Teaches Us About Investing

Many investors are looking for home run stocks — the kinds of assets that will quadruple in value in a short period of time. But just as DePodesta determined, the problem with swinging for the fences is that you strike out a lot. In both baseball and investing, home runs are very exciting, but they’re also very rare and can be very costly.

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Question Mark Or Cash Cow? What The Growth Share Matrix Teaches Us About Stock Selection

People are naturally drawn to stocks that tell an exciting story. Take Tesla. Helmed by CEO Elon Musk, cofounder of PayPal and SpaceX, Tesla runs on idealistic visions and lots of risk. For now, that makes Tesla a “Question Mark,” one of four categories in the Growth Share Matrix (GSM).

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Mega Backdoor Roth, Part One: A Primer on Non-Roth After-Tax Contributions

Mega Backdoor Roth strategies have been in the news (not to mention Congress) a lot lately. In Part One, I review what they are, how they work, and how they differ from other retirement account strategies.

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Retirees Turn Their Twilight Years into New Beginnings

Retirement doesn’t look like it used to — and for good reason. For prior generations, age 65 constituted a threshold between the working world and the leisure world. Once you crossed it, you took your gold watch, your pension, and your savings, and kicked back in some tropical locale.

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RSUs vs. ISOs: Equity Compensation 101

Chances are, if you’ve reached a point in your career where your employer has granted you Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) or Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), you’re doing great. Both ISOs and RSUs are reserved for highly valued members of a company, people that organizations really want to retain for a long time. So, first things first, nice work!

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How to Visualize your Personal Balance Sheet

The cruise ship left New York heading for Bermuda. A terrible storm has blown up. The seasick passengers are in their staterooms vomiting. "Is there anything that can be done to get out of these waves," they ask? "Nothing," says the captain. "We just have to drive through until we get to the other side.

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