We live at the apex of human civilization. We carry trillions of bits of high-quality data in our pockets at all times. Despite these advantages, our decision-making process evolved little since our days as tribal “hunter-gathers.?
Read MoreWhen a client retires, we split their portfolio into three buckets: Risk Assets, Fixed Income, and Near Cash. We invest the client’s assets such that the Risk Bucket represents 60-70% of their portfolio, invested in faster growing but volatile US and international equities.
Read MoreDepending on the specifics of your employer’s 401(k) plan (which you can access anytime by referencing the Summary Plan Description, or SPD), Mega Backdoor Roths via NRATs offer a ton of upside.
Read MoreCreating a reliable income stream is complicated when a recession or bear market throws the rules out the window, isn’t it?
With the effects of the COVID-19 shutdowns wreaking havoc on the economy, wouldn’t it be nice to know that your retirement income plan is up-to-date in the face of uncertainty?
Read MoreWith the current pandemic, recession, and market volatility, individuals and families are dealing with unprecedented uncertainty about the present and the future.
Read MoreWhat do landing an aircraft and planning for retirement have in common?
If you set up wrong, the results can be disastrous! Which is why most people don't fly their own planes and instead rely on expert pilots to fly them to safety.
The same reliance on expertise applies to retirement planning.
Read MoreQuestion: I am 54-years-old and plan on retiring at the age of 56 from a Federal Government position. I currently have approximately 25% of my total assets in aggressive non-IRA mutual funds. Since I have over half of my total assets in higher risk investments and stocks are at an all-time high currently, should I re-balance my accounts?
Read MoreQuestion: I have just heard that people should forget about retiring until they are 70 years old. Does this only apply to a certain target audience? I am thinking about retiring when I am 60 years old (9 years from now). I have about $2,300,000 in investments split equally between a 401(K) and other investments. My wife and I have always lived well under our means.
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