New York City NYC Financial Planners Wealth Advisors & Investment Advisers

Answers & Observations

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Posts tagged Heron Wealth
How our caveman brain sabotages our investment decisions

We live at the apex of human civilization. We carry trillions of bits of high-quality data in our pockets at all times. Despite these advantages, our decision-making process evolved little since our days as tribal “hunter-gathers.?

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The Benefits of the Three-Bucket Retirement Income Strategy

When a client retires, we split their portfolio into three buckets: Risk Assets, Fixed Income, and Near Cash. We invest the client’s assets such that the Risk Bucket represents 60-70% of their portfolio, invested in faster growing but volatile US and international equities.

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Replay: Year end fire-side chat with David Edwards and Buff Parham

To coin a phrase made famous by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II,
2020 has been our "annus horribilis."

David Edwards sat down with Buff Parham to answer questions from our clients:

  • Pandemic: how do you see the population getting vaccinated over time and how do you see the economy rebounding as a result?

  • None of us will forget 2020 anytime soon..truly a tumultuous year. In your opinion, what is the single most important takeaway that we should contemplate going forward?

  • What do you see happening with inflation, economic growth, and bond yields next year?

And more! View our webinar replay now to learn what we at Heron Wealth thought of the year 2020 in review and what we expect for 20201.

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How did you come up with your business name?

25 years ago I was in the process of forming a wealth advisory business.  The usual naming convention would dictate “David Edwards & Associates” – boring!  Then I considered “Quantitative Investment Strategies, Inc.” boring, and a little scary.  After that, I thought about “Bull & Bear,” “Tigers,” “Eagles” etc., but there were many other financial firms using those names already.

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