New York City NYC Financial Planners Wealth Advisors & Investment Advisers

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Posts tagged Retirement
How our caveman brain sabotages our investment decisions

We live at the apex of human civilization. We carry trillions of bits of high-quality data in our pockets at all times. Despite these advantages, our decision-making process evolved little since our days as tribal “hunter-gathers.?

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The Benefits of the Three-Bucket Retirement Income Strategy

When a client retires, we split their portfolio into three buckets: Risk Assets, Fixed Income, and Near Cash. We invest the client’s assets such that the Risk Bucket represents 60-70% of their portfolio, invested in faster growing but volatile US and international equities.

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Retirees Turn Their Twilight Years into New Beginnings

Retirement doesn’t look like it used to — and for good reason. For prior generations, age 65 constituted a threshold between the working world and the leisure world. Once you crossed it, you took your gold watch, your pension, and your savings, and kicked back in some tropical locale.

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