We live at the apex of human civilization. We carry trillions of bits of high-quality data in our pockets at all times. Despite these advantages, our decision-making process evolved little since our days as tribal “hunter-gathers.?
Read MoreWhen a client retires, we split their portfolio into three buckets: Risk Assets, Fixed Income, and Near Cash. We invest the client’s assets such that the Risk Bucket represents 60-70% of their portfolio, invested in faster growing but volatile US and international equities.
Read MoreDepending on the specifics of your employer’s 401(k) plan (which you can access anytime by referencing the Summary Plan Description, or SPD), Mega Backdoor Roths via NRATs offer a ton of upside.
Read MoreRetirement doesn’t look like it used to — and for good reason. For prior generations, age 65 constituted a threshold between the working world and the leisure world. Once you crossed it, you took your gold watch, your pension, and your savings, and kicked back in some tropical locale.
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