New York City NYC Financial Planners Wealth Advisors & Investment Advisers

Answers & Observations

Stay up to date with the latest personal finance developments, financial planning advice, investment news and retirement planning tips from our team of certified financial planners and experienced wealth advisors here in New York City.

Posts in Good to Know
RSUs vs. ISOs: Equity Compensation 101

Chances are, if you’ve reached a point in your career where your employer has granted you Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) or Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), you’re doing great. Both ISOs and RSUs are reserved for highly valued members of a company, people that organizations really want to retain for a long time. So, first things first, nice work!

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Replay: Year end fire-side chat with David Edwards and Buff Parham

To coin a phrase made famous by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II,
2020 has been our "annus horribilis."

David Edwards sat down with Buff Parham to answer questions from our clients:

  • Pandemic: how do you see the population getting vaccinated over time and how do you see the economy rebounding as a result?

  • None of us will forget 2020 anytime soon..truly a tumultuous year. In your opinion, what is the single most important takeaway that we should contemplate going forward?

  • What do you see happening with inflation, economic growth, and bond yields next year?

And more! View our webinar replay now to learn what we at Heron Wealth thought of the year 2020 in review and what we expect for 20201.

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What You Need to Know About FAFSA (The Free Application for Federal Student Aid form)

If you have a college bound high school senior in the house, here are some useful tips you should know about filling out the FAFSA form. The application for the 2019-2020 school year is now available as of October 1st. You can also use this estimating tool to get a sense of options without filling out the complete form.

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Q&A with David Edwards: How do I know if a stock is overvalued?

Question: To find the price-earnings ratio of a stock, I divide the current stock price with the last four quarters of earnings. If the current list price is higher than the number I get when I calculate the P/E ratio, what does that mean? Is the stock overvalued?

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Q&A with David Edwards: Does the Patriot Act require that personal investment accounts need to be disclosed before inheriting brokerage accounts?

Question: My mom recently passed away. She left myself and my siblings equal distributions from her brokerage accounts. Her financial advisor wants each of us to provide a detailed accounting of our current, personal investment accounts. He cites the need to comply with the Patriot Act. Does the Patriot Act require this?

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Five Finance Concepts A Savvy Investor Needs To Know

Not every investor is as savvy as they could be. Financial education is not taught in high school. In fact, it’s only taught to college students who proactively seek out to learn about this topic. A lack of knowledge can hurt your portfolio so read on for 5 key finance concepts you must know as a savvy investor.

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Q&A with David Edwards: How Can A Stay-At-Home Mom Generate Investment Income?

Question: I am a stay at home mom. Me and my husband have six children. My husband has a great job. However, I would like to generate some income without having to work outside the home. I have been learning about trading, I want to invest in the stock market. What is the best place to start?

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Answers to your questions about credit freeze and credit monitoring

Our bulletin over the weekend recommending that you freeze your credit reports after the Equifax breach prompted quite a response from media and clients. Daisy Maxey at the Wall Street Journal interviewed us about the ways in which consumers can deal with the fallout from the Equifax data hack.

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