New York City NYC Financial Planners Wealth Advisors & Investment Advisers

Answers & Observations

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Bungled Trump Announcement Drops Stocks into Bear Market; All Market Gains Erased Since January 2019

Wow! It's not often that a single announcement can knock a year's return off the stock market in one day, but Trump's address last night accomplished just that. Trump stated that all air travel from Europe (except the UK) would be suspended, along with trade in goods, for 30 days starting Friday night.

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On the top 10 list of things to worry about, volatility is the 11th

For the past several months, US stocks whipsawed with each presidential tweet about whether Trump is adding tariffs or suspending tariffs, talking to the Chinese or ordering US companies out of China. We’ve seen some days where the Dow fell over 800 points, which once upon a time was a big deal, but amounts to a decline of only 3% in a year when the S&P 500 is up 20.6%. When the Dow fell 508 points in October 1987, that was a decline of 22.6% in a day!

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Internet and Social Media Risk

The rapid integration of digital technologies into everyday life continues to create new risks and challenges that many individuals and families frequently overlook or do not yet fully appreciate.

Take these two technological developments: Smartphones and the Internet of Things (IoT). While smartphone and mobile technology as a whole has put the Internet at the fingertips of a greater number of people worldwide, it also has allowed the development of millions of applications that collect and store large quantities of personal data that could easily fall into the wrong hands.

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David EdwardsComment
Heron Wealth Mid-Year Commentary & Panel Discussion with Liz Clayman - Asset.TV

In June, US stocks reversed May’s 6.4% decline and rallied 7% to new all time highs, with the S&P 500 up 18.5% on the year. Half the gain is a reversal of the 5.0% decline in 2018, while the rest is a full year’s gain delivered in 6 months.
David Edwards appeared on a panel discussion recently to discuss his outlook for the rest of the year.

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Trump Tariffs Raise Recession Worries

After 6 months of steady gains that took the NASDAQ and S&P 500 to new record highs in late April , we’ve had two and half weeks of sharp declines.  Peak to yesterday’s trough was 5% in the S&P 500 and 7% in the NASDAQ.  Stocks are recovering somewhat today. YTD the S&P 500 is up 14.5% and the NASDAQ is up 17.3%.  Several clients have called or emailed to learn if there is reason for concern.

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